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Legal notice and information on the terms of use of the website.

In order to comply with the provisions of the Law 34/2002, from the 11th of July, of information Society Services and e-commerce, PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA as owner of states:

1. Identification details:

  • Registered office: Lérida 8-10 Portal 1, 28020 Madrid
  • CIF: A-28239523
  • Contact:
  • Registration data in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, Tomo 2.576, Folio 136, Hoja 16.988, Inscripción 1a

The present information compromises and regulates the terms of use, the limitations on responsibility and the obligations which, the users from the webpage under the name accept and commit to respect. In any case, the acceptance of the legal notice does not imply the establishment of a contractual relationship between the USER and the RESPONSIBLE for the website, nor does it affect any previous one. With regard to the proper use of the website, all the information contained therein shall be subject to the rights, duties and obligations established by current legislation at all times, as well as those established in this legal notice.

2. Definitions

  • “Page”, domain is made available to internet users.
  • “Username”, physical or legal person that uses or browses through the web.
  • “Content”, the pages that make up the whole domain is of which make up the information and services that PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. makes available to Internet users. These include, messages, texts, photographies, graphics, icons, logos, technology, links, textures, drawings, image and sound files, video recordings, software, aspect, graphic design, source codes and in general, any type of material the webpage contains.
  • “Web”, technical word which describes the system of accessing information via Internet, configured by means of web pages created by means of the HTML or similar language, and programming mechanisms such as java, javascript, PHP or others, etc. Pages designed and published under a domain name in the Internet, which are the result of the information that the owner makes available to the User.
  • “Hyperlink” technique through which a User can navigate through different pages on the Web or Internet, with a simple click on a text, icon, button or indicative that the link contains.
  • “Cookies” technical means to suggest traceability and tracking of navigation in webpages. They are small text files that are sent by a web server to your browser and are stored on the hard drive of your computer. There are no implications on privacy through this method, for which PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. will inform opportunely of its utilisation in the moment of its implant on our Web.

3. Users / Terms of use

The access and/or use of this website attributes the status of the user, which accepts, by means of access and/or use, the present terms of use, without reservation, each and every one of the provisions included in the legal notice.

If case the user does not agree with the terms of privacy presented by PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA, do not use this website.

4. Use of webpage provides access to articles, information, and property data of PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. THE USER assumes all responsibility and risk for the use of this web site.

Some web pages in can offer the participation through means of comments, allowing the user in any case to send text through the use of forms established for that purpose.

When sending texts, and clicking on the corresponding link, THE USER compromises and accepts, to make an adequate use of the contents that offers through its web site, not use them to:

  • for any activity that is unlawful, illicit or contrary to good faith and public order.
  • disseminate content or propaganda of a nature that is racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal, apology of terrorism or attending against human rights.
  • Not to cause any damage to the hardware and software system of PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA its suppliers or any third party, not to introduce onto or spread cyber viruses in the web or the physical or software system liable to cause such damage as is described above.
  • try to access and, as the case may be, use the email addresses of other users to modify or change their messages.
  • In short, to respect applicable legislation, generally accepted morals and good customs, public order and these general conditions of access and use.

To that end, the USER is obliged and compromised to NOT use any of the Content for illegal or forbidden purposes, prohibited in the Legal Notice or by the existing legislation, or causing damage to the rights and interests of third parties or the might in any way harm useless, overload, cause deterioration of, or impede the normal use of services, computer equipment; or documents, files or any type of content stored on any of the computer equipment hired by PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA

These contents may not be copied, disseminated, modified or made available to third party any type of content such as information, texts, data, content, messages, graphics, sound and/or image archives, photos, recordings, software, logos, brands, icons, technology, links, graphic design and source codes or any type of material to which they had access in its user condition of the Page, without limitations.

Moreover, in accordance with the foregoing, the User may not:

  • reproduce, copy, distribute, communicate, publicly perform, transform or otherwise display on any other website, prepare derivative works, or modify the Materials without PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA or third rights-holder prior written approval.
  • delete or manipulate in any way alter the copyright and other identifying data of the reservation rights holders or their MYP, for fingerprints or any other technical means provided for their recognition.
  • The user must obtain from obtaining, or even trying to obtain, the Content by means or procedures other than those, as the case may be, made available to him or her for this purpose or those indicated for this purpose on the Website pages where the Content can be found or, in general, those normally used on the Internet for this purpose, as long as they do not pose a risk of damage or of being rendered useless to the Service or the Content.

5. Privacy Policy. Data Protection

PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA knows about the importance of data protection, as well as the user’s privacy and for that matter, has implemented a treatment data policy oriented to provide the maximum security in its use and gathering, assuring the compliance with the prevailing regulations. For this, PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA insists in the compulsory lecture of your privacy policy.

6. Hyperlinks

As a service to our customers, our web site can include hyperlinks to other websites that are not operated or controlled by PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. For this reason, PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. does not guarantee, or holds responsible of the liability, utility or actuality of the contents of such web sites or of their means of privacy. Before providing your information on foreign web sites, take into account their means of privacy may defer from ours.

Likewise, those people who propose to establish hyperlinks between their web site and ours ( will have to observe and follow the following conditions:

  • Prior authorisation will not be necessary when the hyperlink allows access only to the home page, but will not be able to play it in any way. Any other form of hyperlink will require authorisation form PROMCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA.
  • No “frames” will be created with web pages or over web pages from  PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA.
  • No false, inexact, incorrect or denigrating statement may be made in respect of the Web Site PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA its managers, employees or collaborators, or the persons mentioned on the Website for any reason, or the Users of the Website, or the Content supplied.
  • The web page in which the hyperlink is established may only contain whats strictly necessary to identify the hyperlink’s destination.
  • The web page in which the link is established will neither contain illicit information or contents contrary to the moral and good manners, as generally accepted in special norms of Internet behaviour nor will it contain contents contrary to any rights of third parties or to the public order.

7. Modification of Legal Notice

In order to improve the performance of the web site, PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA reserves the right to make, at any time and without the need [...] for prior notice, modifications and updates of the information contained in the Website, of its set up and design and of this legal notice, as well as any other particular conditions. Thus, the User must read the Legal Notice in each and every occasion when accessing the web.

8. Copyright

PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA is the owner of all intellectual property rights relating to the content accessible (texts, data, content, messages, graphics, sound and/or image archives, photographies, recordings, software, logos, brands, icons, technology, links, graphic design) owned by PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. or its licensors, all rights reserved.

Any usage not previously authorised by the provider will be considered a serious infringement of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author.

The USER agrees to respect the intellectual and industrial copyright pertaining to PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. He will be able to visualise the elements of the Web and to print them, to copy them and even to store them in the hard disk of his computer or in any other hardware as long as he is, unique and exclusively, for his personal and deprived use, being, therefore, final prohibited the fixation, reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, putting to disposition or any other form of operation, as well as its modification, alteration any protection device total or partisan, of the content of the page of PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA.

All trademarks, trade names or logos of any kind that appear or may appear in the Website are the property of PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA or third parties, which can be understood without the use of or access to the portal user fee on the above trademarks, trade names and / or logos.

Furthermore, the contents, which belong to PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. or to third parties, are protected by copyright and no operation rights which exist or may exist over them may be construed as being granted to you. Intellectual Copyright Act, it is expressly forbidden to reproduce, distribute and disseminate public communication, including the making available modality, of all or part of the contents of the webpage for commercial purposes, in any format and by any technical means, without the authorisation of PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA.

Any non-authorized use or re-sale of the information contained on this Webpage, or a breach of any of PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. intellectual or industrial property rights, shall give rise to the liabilities established by law.

9. Cookies

Cookies are the technical means to suggest traceability and tracking of navigation in webpages. They are small text files that are sent by a web server to your browser and are stored on the hard drive of your computer. PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA informs that they will be able to utilise cookies with the finality of elaborating statistics of website utilisation as well as identifying the PC of the User, allowing to recognise him in future visits. In any case, the user can unable cookies by changing the settings of your browser.

PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA is aware of the importance of data protection, as well as the user’s privacy and for that reason, insist in the reading of Cookie Policy

10. Availability of Web

PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. does not guarantee that there will be no interruptions or errors in accessing the Webpage or its contents, or that the contents will be updated, however it will make its best efforts to avoid, remedy or update said problems or contents, as applicable. Therefore, PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. does not take responsibility of the damages or produced damages of any type in the User that bring cause of failures or disconnections in public the networks of telecommunications that produce the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the service of the Vestibule during the benefit of he himself or with previous character.

PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. excludes, with the contemplated exceptions of the current legislation, any responsibility for the damages and prejudice shall not be accountable of any nature likely to arise from the interruption or suspension of the services.

The purpose of the links available on this page is purely informative. They do not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation of the third party or the products or services.

PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. is not responsible for any security errors that may occur, nor for any damage that may be caused to the user's computer system (hardware and software), or to the files or documents stored therein, as a result of:

  • The presence of a virus in the user's computer used to connect to the services and contents of the website,
  • A malfunction of the browser or the use of non-updated versions of the same.

PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. is not responsible for the contents of said linked pages, the operation or usefulness of the hyperlinks or the results of said links, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the same that may cause alterations in the user's computer system (hardware and software), documents or files, excluding any liability for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason.

Accessing the web page or its use, does not imply the compiling of personal data on the user on behalf of PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. On all accounts, it is the responsibility of the User to provide the appropriate tools for the detection and disinfection of damaging computer software. Therefore, PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. hall not be held liable for any potential security errors or damages that may be caused to the user's computer system, files or documents, as a result of viruses in the computer used to access the Webpage services and contents, a poor response from the software used, or a non-upgraded version thereof.

11. Quality of Page

Given the dynamic and changing environment of the information and services provided through the website, PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. makes its best effort, but does not guarantee the complete truthfulness, accuracy, reliability, usefulness and/or timeliness of the contents.

The information contained in the pages that make up this website is for informative, consultative, informative and advertising purposes only. Under no circumstances does it offer or have the character of a binding or contractual commitment.

PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. excludes all liability for the decisions that the user may take based on this information, as well as for possible typographical errors that may be contained in the documents and graphics of the website. The information is subject to possible periodic changes without prior notice of its content due to extension, improvement, correction or updating of the contents.

12. Availability of Content

The duration of the provision of the website service and of the services therein is of an indefinite nature. Nevertheless, PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. is authorized to terminate or suspend the landing of the service at any time and for any reason. When this is reasonably possible, PROMOCIONES INMOBILIARIAS CALERO SA. will previously warn about the termination or suspension of landing.

13. Jurisdiction

To all the questions that will arise about interpretation, application and fulfilment of this Legal Notice, as well as the claims that could derive from its use, intervening parties will submit to the Judges and Courts in Madrid the user expressly renounces their right to resort to any other jurisdiction that may correspond.

14. Applicable Legislation

The present conditions are regulated by the Spanish legislation.

All author rights reserved by the international laws and treaties of an intellectual property. the total or partial reproduction, re-broadcasting, copy and/or re-publishing thereof is expressly prohibited, regardless of the purpose or the medium used.

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